June 072025

Days to Race 187

Believe you can!

Captain: Tara Orley
Phone: (not published)
Email: [email protected]

21 team members, plus 1 additional donors. 2 states represented. Total donations : $858.00


Pat Augdahl-Boehmer
Deni Callahan
Susan Carlson
Laurie Dworian
Maggie Dworian
Deborah Erickson
Beth Farnstrom
Clo Giffen
Allison Griffith
Vicky Hawkinson
Betty Hedstrand
Cassidy Hobbs
Sue Lukin
Grace Matsutani
Patricia Neptune
Tara Orley
Claire Palmatier
Isabella Palmatier
Piper Palmatier
Kate. Pratt
Sandy Van Zyl

Our Goal $200.00 $858

Congratulations!! We have exceeded our goal!