Captain: Jayme Carr
Phone: 9072774663
Email: [email protected]
52 team members, plus 0 additional donors. 1 state represented. Total donations : $208.00
Male Alaelua
Angela Altman
Sharon Ameline
Levi Ape
Rose Avendano
Maxine Bartlett
Jacqueline Bates
Zarinah Bellamy
Chelsa Bisso
Samantha Booth
Brianna Brandon
Paula Brauneis
Kathleen Browning
Carrie Bucheger
McKenzie Buist
Jayme Carr
Nye Carter
Tammy Chase
Dawn Close
Ashlee Cunningham
IB DeFrenchi
Lesly Diaz
Jenifer Duderstadt
Lori Eckstein
Becky Efird
Julie Evenson
Tinoi Faalogoifo
Martha Galovin
Michele Gardner
Terri Gough
Leslie Hagerman
Valerie Halberg
Carol Hermiston
Trina Hernandez
Jennifer Hinkler
Ashley Jaynes
Chloe Kapua
Stacee Kleinsmith
Fannmarie Kohuk
Melissa Lawrence
Sheronda Leniear
Michelle Lewis
Anieka Magruder
Lorina Malauulu
Kyleania Martin
Rosalie Martin
Shelley Masten
Faith Mata
Kimberly Monfrey
Brittney Prater
mici Sleeper
Cheryl Snyder
We are 21% of the way to reaching our goal!